KMD is a large company. We have more than 3000 employees, we run large server parks and Denmark’s largest print center. As such our operation inevitably affects the environment. For KMD it is a daily challenge to continually reduce our environmental footprint and help our customers do the same by developing IT-solutions that support sustainable operations.

Today the IT-industry's combined CO2e-emissions are on level with the emissions from the entire aviation industry. It is estimated that approximately between 2 and 4% of the global CO2e-emissions originate from IT. This is a challenge that we as an IT-developer and -supplier take very seriously.

In order to mitigate our environmental footprint we have a dedicated approach to reducing our overall resource consumption.

To further strengthen our approach to sustainability, KMD implemented the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management in 2013.  

IT is not just a source of pollution; IT can also be a driving force behind limiting CO2e-emissions. For example, the independent nonprofit organization World Economic Forum estimates that IT can reduce the total CO2e-load by up to 15%.

In KMD we offer a range of products that can help organizations reduce their environmental footprint. From electronic archives that reduce the need for physical prints to administrative solutions that help streamline workflows and optimize energy expenditure.

Relevant document:

KMD Environmental Policy

Climate and environment

Green transportation is a small but important step in the sustainable development

Climate changes, lifestyle diseases, and insufficient infrastructure, as cities are becoming more crowded and life outside the cities are becoming more distanced, are major political challenges. However, small initiatives of everyday life can make a considerable overall impact.

Climate Partnership

“Denmark must be a green pioneering country, and we must therefore stick to our ambitious climate goals.” Those were the words, when the Danish government introduced 13 climate partnerships each representing one or more branches within Danish business back in november 2019. CEO of KMD, Eva Berneke, was appointed chairman of the climate partnership for Service, It and Consultancy.

KMD is ISO 14001 certified

ISO 14001:2015 helps elevate KMD's environmental efforts. To reduce our environmental impact as much as possible, KMD has drawn up a decisive and ambitious plan to become a more sustainable business. Part of this plan was realized in 2013, when KMD gained our certification in the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management. Today, KMD offices, as well as our print center and data center are ISO 14001-15 certified.


KMD's products can help our customers reduce their CO2-emissions. IT is one of the most important catalysts for reducing the overall environmental impact on our society. IT allows us to reduce the need for physical products and services. Electronic archives and digital communication reduces the need for prints, and video conferences can reduce the need for physical meetings. Finally electronic data collection and analysis on patterns of energy expenditure can help identify areas where improvements are necessary and possible.

Key environmental data

We have gathered various data regarding our environmental impact. Download and read the table below.

Would you like to hear more?

Contact us and find out more about how we work with sustainability and compliance in KMD. Complete the form below and one of our employees will be in touch as soon as possible.
