We are transparent in our actions and committed to conducting ourselves in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in addition to our own policies. We have zero-tolerance towards corruption and bribery including facilitation payments.

Our Code of Conduct provides guidance on how to behave when working for KMD. We have training programmes and awareness messages are communicated to ensure that we are reminded about what good business conduct means to KMD. Concerns about suspected misconduct can be reported to management or confidentially through the Whistleblower Arrangement under the principle of non-retaliation.

Our Corporate Compliance program focuses on the following seven areas: Anti-corruption, IT-security, Competition law, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Contractual risk management, Chart of Authority and Document management and storage.

We acknowledge that KMD cannot be looked at in isolation from a compliance and business conduct perspective which is why we require the same from our suppliers as we do from ourselves. We conduct supplier screenings through our procurement programme and require our suppliers to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct.