Digitale værktøjer i den moderne virksomhed

To the KMD Group, responsibility to society means that we are not an obstacle, but a contributor to further social, economic, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, we wish to integrate sustainability into the development of our products, services, and business.  

We believe that digitization contributes to a richer, safer, and more sustainable society. By leveraging digitalization, we want to create wealth and security for all members of our society regardless of income, age, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, religion, sexuality, or educational level.  

KMD Group is a part of the globalized world. This means we have a responsibility that reaches beyond national borders. Therefore, we cooperate with our suppliers and our customers to fulfill the UN Global Compact 10 principles for sustainable development.  

Our 4 sustainability areas

In KMD we have defined 4 sustainability areas that are essential for our company, for our customers, and for society.

Our commitments

KMD is committed to a number of international standards and guidelines on human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption and environmental responsibility and are certified under various ISO standards. These include among others:

  • The UN Global Compact
  • The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • The core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • ISO Certifications

Our policies

KMD Village

KMD has been an integral part of Danish society since 1972. Through IT-systems such as Nem Konto, E-boks, and Digital Signature, the Danish society uses KMD solutions on a daily basis. These systems help ensure wage payments, contact with home care, or the calculation of heating bills among hundreds of functions carried out for both public authorities and private companies. Our systems and solutions contribute to a stronger and safer digital society. Since 2011, KMD has worked with UN’s Global Compact 10 principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals as an integral part of our work processes.